Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Red Alert!!

A news caught my attention yesterday--- A 31 year old man returning from the States is suspected to have Swine flu. I stood there with disbelief and started to think what if this turns out to be a confirm case? The 1st case of Swine flu from Kuching throughout the whole country? Lots of questions went through my head @ that very moment. I mean in situation like this, there's really nothing much we can do right? However, i still need to find some form of way to protect myself. Going to the doctors and take some vaccine for normal flu is just not the way, i mean if it's called " Swine flu" it's obviously not a normal flu right? Apparently some private clinic doctors actually called out their patients and ask them to go take a normal flu vaccine! Can you believe it? Ofcourse many of us will get panic over things like this....but...what's important now, is to take good care of ourselves. Avoid crowded areas, wash your hands regularly, exercise regularly, take more vitamins....and last but not least, wear a mask!! It won't give you a full protection, but @ least there's some form of defence between you and the virus. If all the mask are sold out, you can try something like this;

Yes, bra! You will be surprised by how good of a protection it gives!!! If your wife/gf has got a bigger cup, it will provide even better protection! & what's great about it? it comes in two and you can get them 24/7 !!! When a news like above broke out all of a sudden? Take it off and cover your mouth!! Give another one to your love ones!!! Now i kinda know what wonders a bra can do!!!
Anyway i was just trying to crack some jokes to you guys to help loosen the tension a bit!!! no offence!!!
By the way, heard the latest news on the radio, it says the test on the suspected man actually turn out to be negative! so i guess that's a piece of good news??? However, i still think we need to take safety precaution no matter where you are and what you are doing especially during times like this. LET's STAY SAFE!!



Blogger Jz said...

LOLOLOLOL I can't stop laughing, maybe I should buy a secondhand bra, then cut it into half and share with my brother xD

May 6, 2009 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

Used bra is better!! the fragrance kill all gems!! haha~

May 6, 2009 at 10:37 AM  

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