Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A little Quiz

If you learn that somewhere in our country, there's an elixir of eternity, would you go hunt for it? if your answer is YES, please take the following quiz.

There won't be any wooohaaa answer to this Quiz though, all im doing here is a simple survey to a big life's decision! Please take part just for fun! OK?

So after having asked around, and paid off some chaps that will lead you to the answer of where the elixir might be, you began your journey in hopes of finding the elixir of eternity.

And finally! You've found the place where the elixir is hidden!! You can see a clear fine glass containing the colourful elixir,

photo source: google image

as you try to approach it, something stop you from doing so, what is it that's stopping you from getting the elixir?

So what's ur decision?



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