Thursday, April 16, 2009

Secret Recipe

Hi guys!!! We are moving towards the weekend!! Can i hear some cheering out there? Hurray! hurray!!!
Ok, so what am i going to share with you guys this morning?? It's a secret recipe from ancient Egpyt, a recipe that they found while digging for artifacts. Do you believe me? neh neh neh neh neh.....

Alrite alrite, let me get serious for a second......i mean real serious...

Was reading through a few blogs the other day, and most of the local blogs, as in Kuching people blog, non of it didn't include the famous Sarawak Laksa. And you know what i hate about it ? They like to brag about how delicious the laksa is, how fortunate they are to be able to try all the delicious laksa in Kuching. Well, it's true in someway, i do feel fortunate that Kuching has got a lot of delicious food. But does that mean other countries don't have their own well known dishes? You think Laksa rules the world kah? One blog which i have a strong opinion about it, she posted a laksa entry, i mean automatically people will ask her " hey! where is the laksa stall?" right? and you know what she said? she said " Oh....i'm sorry, that's homemade laksa! Teehee!" WTF! Come'on lah, people just asking only, you think they die die must eat the laska har? Nabeh

Anyway, some ancient guru or master gave me this secret recipe of laksa, which is believe to be the best Sarawak Laksa recipe!!!

To cook the laksa that is scrumptiously delicious, all you need is basically a few simple ingredients.

Laksa Preparation

Step 1 –

Chicken Stock boil for 1 to 1.5 hour
Boil chicken Breast, thigh, neck (skinless)
1 Red carrot (chopped into pieces)
1 Big Onion
Pepper corn
Prawn Shell (a bit)

Step 2-

Put in Laksa paste
Continue to boil for one hour

Step 3- Seasoning

Oyster Sauce (Maggie)
Light soya sauce
Maggie Chicken Cube

Walah!!! Your delicious laksa is ready!!!

And when i say ancient, there is a fact to it, why? Because besides using the laksa paste to cook soup laksa, you can actually use it to stir fry too!!! All you need to do is,

Stir Fry (Beef, Chicken, Lamb or Seafood)
2 tablespoon of laksa paste
A little bit of sugar
2 tablespoon of whisky or brandy

Try it!! Oh a note on the beef, chicken or lamb, make sure you have the meat marinated for @ least 3-5 hours before having it stir fried.

The main ingredient for the laksa dish is ofcourse the Laksa paste which you can get them in any supermarket in Kuching. The Sparrow brand is actually considered the best available in the market!!

Yum Yum Yum!!!

Bon Appetite ladies and gentlement!

p.s. the recipe is not from any ancient guru or master lah, its was given by a kind-hearted uncle who sell laksa himself!!! can you believe it?? For that i salute you uncle!!



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